How to update the firmware:

The following guide is only valid for updating between 1.0.x and 1.0.y versions. For details about the update process between 0.16.23 to 1.0.x please see the migration guide

Download the firmware

The firmware image is available on the website. Navigate to the site and follow the steps below:

  • Create an account (if you do not already have one) and log in.

  • Use the search bar to find OVP800 (VPU). This is also valid if you have pre-release sample units, for example M04239.

  • Navigate to the article page an click on the “Downloads” tab.

  • Select the firmware from the list. It will start downloading the file.

Starting firmware is version < 1.0.0

When updating to a firmware version 1.0.0 or above, starting with a firmware version below 1.0.0, please refer to the migration guide.

Starting firmware is version>= 1.0.0

Reboot to recovery

When the starting firmware is version 1.0.0 and above, a reboot to recovery state is necessary to perform an update.

$ ifm3d reboot --recovery

With the web interface

Once the device is in recovery mode (see section above), you can open the web interface:

  1. Open in web browser. The SWUpdate web interface is shown.

  2. Drag and drop the *.swu firmware file into the software update-window. The upload procedure starts.

The system will automatically reboot in productive mode. The web interface will not be available anymore (it is only available in recovery mode).

With ifmVisionAssistant

Download the ifmVisionAssistant from

Note: Updating the firmware from 0.16.xx to 1.0.xx is currently not possible with the ifmVisionAssistant.

Note: Updating the firmware from 1.0.xx to 1.0.xx via ifmVisionAssistant(v2.6.12) is currently supported on a Windows machine only. The Debian package of ifmVisionAssistant supporting Linux distributions will be released soon.

In the instructions below, we expect that the user extracted the ZIP file and is executing the following commands in the same directory:

  • Open the command prompt and run the ifmVisionAssistant executable

C:\Users\Desktop\iVA_2_6_12 $ ifmVisionAssistant.exe

To get the logs during firmware update, execute the above command with -log flag as shown below.

C:\Users\Desktop\iVA_2_6_12 $ ifmVisionAssistant.exe -log

The log file is saved in C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\ifm electronic\ifmVisionAssistant\logs

  • Connect to the VPU and navigate to the VPU Settings window and click Update under the Firmware Update section. The version beside the Update button refers to the current version running on VPU.

  • Select the File and the update process will start.

With ifm3d

Once the device is in recovery mode, you can use ifm3d to update the firmware. In the instructions below, replace <path/to/firmware_image.swu> with the path to the firmware file you downloaded from The code below is continued from the “reboot to recovery” section.

$ ifm3d swupdate --file=<path/to/firmware_image.swu>

Note: the code snippets above do not show how to handle exceptions when they occur in the update process. Please refer to the API documentation for details on the potential exceptions thrown by each function.

Double check the firmware version after the update:

$ ifm3d dump | jq .device.swVersion.firmware

The full example script

# Copyright 2023-present ifm electronic, gmbh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# %%
import argparse
import time
import logging
from time import sleep
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path

from ifm3dpy.device import O3R
from ifm3dpy.device import Error as ifm3dpy_error
from ifm3dpy.swupdater import SWUpdater

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_firmware_version(o3r: O3R) -> tuple:
        firmware = o3r.get(["/device/swVersion/firmware"])["device"]["swVersion"][
    except Exception as err:
        raise err
    logger.debug(f"VPU firmware: {firmware}")
        major, minor, patch = firmware.split(".")
        patch = patch.split("-")[0]
        return (major, minor, patch)
    except ValueError as err:
        raise err

def _update_firmware_016_to_10x(o3r: O3R, filename: str) -> None:"Start FW update with file: {filename}")
    sw_updater = SWUpdater(o3r)

    # 1st application of FW update
    logger.debug("First flash FW file")
    sw_updater.flash_firmware(filename, timeout_millis=TIMEOUT_MILLIS)

    # grace period reboot
    logger.debug("Sleep 10 sec grace period before reboot")

    logger.debug("Monitor recovery mode after initial flash")
    if not sw_updater.wait_for_recovery(120000):  # Change 60000 to 120000
        raise RuntimeError("Device failed to boot into recovery in 2 minutes")

    logger.debug("Boot to recovery mode successful")

    # 2nd application of FW update: final flash
    logger.debug("Second flash FW file")
    if not sw_updater.flash_firmware(filename, timeout_millis=TIMEOUT_MILLIS):
        raise RuntimeError("Firmware update failed")

    logger.debug("Request reboot to productive after second FW flash")
    logger.debug("Second FW flash successful")

def _update_firmware_via_recovery(o3r: O3R, filename: str) -> None:
    logger.debug(f"Start FW update with file: {filename}")

    sw_updater = SWUpdater(o3r)
    logger.debug("Rebooting the device to recovery mode")
    sleep(2)  # allow grace period before requesting recovery state

    if not sw_updater.wait_for_recovery(120000):  # Change 60000 to 120000
        raise RuntimeError("Device failed to boot into recovery in 2 minutes")

    logger.debug("Boot to recovery mode successful")
    if not sw_updater.flash_firmware(filename, timeout_millis=TIMEOUT_MILLIS):
        logger.debug("Firmware update failed. Boot to productive mode")
        logger.debug("Reboot to productive system completed")
        raise RuntimeError

    logger.debug("Flashing FW via recovery successful")
    logger.debug("Requesting final reboot after FW update")
    sleep(2)  # allow grace period before reboot after update

    _reboot_productive(o3r)"Reboot to productive system completed")

def _reboot_productive(o3r: O3R) -> None:
    sw_updater = SWUpdater(o3r)"reboot to productive system")
    sw_updater.reboot_to_productive()"Allow grace period of 60 seconds to reboot to productive system")

def _reapply_config(o3r, config_file):
    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        except ifm3dpy_error as e:
            logger.error(f"failed to apply prev config: {e}")
            schema_fp = Path("json_schema.json")
            with open(schema_fp, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                json.dump(o3r.get_schema(), f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
                    f"current json schema dumped to: {Path.absolute(schema_fp)}"

                f"check config against json schema: \n{Path.absolute(schema_fp)}"

# %%
def update_fw(filename):
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")

    import ifm3dpy

    if ifm3dpy.__version__ < "1.3.3":
        raise RuntimeError(
            "ifm3dpy version not compatible. \nUpgrade via pip install -U ifm3dpy"

    IP = os.environ.get("IFM3D_IP", "")
    os.environ["IFM3D_SWUPDATE_CURL_TIMEOUT"] = "1000"  # Previously: 800

    # Check that swu file exists
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise ValueError("Provided swu file does not exist")"device IP: {IP}")"FW swu file: {filename}")"Monitoring of FW update via messages tab here: http://{IP}:8080/")

    o3r = O3R(IP)

    # check FW 0.16.23
    major, minor, patch = _get_firmware_version(o3r)"Firmware version before update: {(major, minor, patch)}")
    if int(major) == 0 and any([int(minor) < 16, int(patch) < 23]):
        logging.error("Update to FW 0.16.23 first before updating to version 1.0.14")
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Update to FW 0.16.23 first before updating to version 1.0.14"

    config_back_fp = Path("config_backup.json")
    with open(config_back_fp, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        json.dump(o3r.get(), f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)"current config dumped to: {Path.absolute(config_back_fp)}")

    # update firmware"///////////////////////")"Start FW update process.")"///////////////////////")
    if (int(major), int(minor), int(patch)) == (0, 16, 23):"FW Update 0.16.23 to 1.0.x started")
        _update_firmware_016_to_10x(o3r, filename)"Update process: file transfer completed")
    elif (int(major), int(minor)) >= (1, 0):"FW Update via recovery started")
        _update_firmware_via_recovery(o3r, filename)"Update process: file transfer completed")
        logger.error("This FW update is not supported")

    # wait for system ready
    while True:
  "VPU fully booted.")
        except ifm3dpy_error:
  "Awaiting data from VPU.")
    logger.debug("Firmware update complete.")"///////////////////////")

    # check firmware version after update
    # grace period after initial bootup before software version can be queried

    major, minor, patch = _get_firmware_version(o3r)"Firmware version after update: {(major, minor, patch)}")

    # reapply configuration after update
    _reapply_config(o3r=o3r, config_file=config_back_fp)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        prog="Firmware update helper", description="Update the O3R embedded firmware"
    parser.add_argument("filename", help="SWU filename in the cwd")
    args = parser.parse_args()

# %%