How to stream ODS data

 * Copyright 2021-present ifm electronic, gmbh
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * This example assumes that an instance of ODS is configured
 * and switched to RUN state.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "ods_config.h"
#include "ods_get_data.h"

#include <ifm3d/device/o3r.h>
#include <ifm3d/deserialize/struct_o3r_ods_info_v1.hpp>
#include <ifm3d/deserialize/struct_o3r_ods_occupancy_grid_v1.hpp>

int main()

    // Variables needed for the example
    std::string config_extrinsic_path = "../Configs/extrinsic_one_head.json";
    std::string config_app_path = "../Configs/ods_one_head_config.json";

    // Declare the device object (one object only, corresponding to the VPU)
    auto o3r = std::make_shared<ifm3d::O3R>();

    // Reset the configuration so that we configure
    // exactly what this example expects.
    std::clog << "Resetting the applications" << std::endl;

    try {
        std::clog << "Trying to get data from app before instantiating" << std::endl;
        ODSStream ods_stream(o3r, "app0", {ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_INFO, ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_OCCUPANCY_GRID}, 500);
    } catch (...) { // Failing silently to continue with the tutorial.
        std::clog << "ODSStream cannot be configured with inexistent app0.\n"
                  << "This is expected, continuing with the example."
                  << std::endl;

    ODSConfig ods_config(o3r);
    // TODO: change path to config file
    // Assuming a camera facing forward, label up,
    // 60 cm above the floor.
    // We keep the extrinsic calibration and the ODS configuration
    // separate for clarity. You can keep all configurations
    // in one file if necessary.
    // We did not start the application when configuring it,
    // so we need to start it now (change state to "RUN")
    ods_config.SetConfigFromStr(R"({"applications": {"instances": {"app0": {"state": "RUN"}}}})");

    // Instantiate the ODSStream object: we expect an
    // app called "app0". If your app is different,
    // change the app name below.
    std::string app_name = "app0"; // HERE change to your app name
    // Here we are starting data streams for both the
    // zones and the occupancy grid. This can be changed
    // by removing unwanted data streams from the buffer
    // list.
    ODSStream ods_stream(o3r, app_name, {ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_INFO, ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_OCCUPANCY_GRID}, 500);

    // Loop and display current zones and occupancy grid information
    // for duration d
    int d = 5;
    for (auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), now = start; now < start + std::chrono::seconds{d}; now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) {
        auto zones = ods_stream.GetZones();
        std::clog << "Current zone occupancy:\n"
                  << std::to_string(zones.zone_occupied[0]) << ", "
                  << std::to_string(zones.zone_occupied[1]) << ", "
                  << std::to_string(zones.zone_occupied[2])
                  << std::endl;
        auto grid = ods_stream.GetOccGrid();
        std::clog << "Current occupancy grid's middle cell:\n"
                  << std::to_string(<uint8_t>(100, 100))
                  << std::endl;


    return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ifm3d/device/o3r.h>
#include <ifm3d/fg.h>
#include <ifm3d/deserialize/struct_o3r_ods_info_v1.hpp>
#include <ifm3d/deserialize/struct_o3r_ods_occupancy_grid_v1.hpp>

using namespace ifm3d::literals;

class ODSDataQueue {
    std::queue<ifm3d::Buffer> zones_queue;
    std::queue<ifm3d::Buffer> occ_grid_queue;

    void AddFrame(ifm3d::Frame::Ptr frame) {
        if (frame->HasBuffer(ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_INFO)) {
        if (frame->HasBuffer(ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_OCCUPANCY_GRID)) {
    ifm3d::ODSInfoV1 GetZones() {
        // Calling this function on an empty queue will cause undefined behavior.
        auto zones = ifm3d::ODSInfoV1::Deserialize(zones_queue.front());
        return zones;
    ifm3d::ODSOccupancyGridV1 GetOccGrid() {
        // Calling this function on an empty queue will cause undefined behavior.
        auto grid = ifm3d::ODSOccupancyGridV1::Deserialize(occ_grid_queue.front());
        return grid;

class ODSStream {

    ifm3d::O3R::Ptr o3r;
    std::string app_name;
    ifm3d::FrameGrabber::Ptr fg;
    ifm3d::FrameGrabber::BufferList buffer_ids = { ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_INFO,
                                                   ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_OCCUPANCY_GRID };
    ODSDataQueue data_queue;
    int timeout = 500; //Timeout in milliseconds

    ODSStream(ifm3d::O3R::Ptr o3r_,
              std::string app_name_,
              ifm3d::FrameGrabber::BufferList buffer_ids_,
              int timeout_) {
        o3r = o3r_;
        app_name = app_name_;
        timeout = timeout_;
        std::string j_string = "/applications/instances/" + app_name + "/data/pcicTCPPort";
        ifm3d::json::json_pointer j(j_string);
        auto FG_PCIC_PORT = o3r->Get({ j_string })[j];
        fg = std::make_shared<ifm3d::FrameGrabber>(o3r, FG_PCIC_PORT);
    void StartODSStream() {
        std::clog << "Starting data stream" << std::endl;
        fg->OnNewFrame([this](auto frame) {
    void StopODSStream() {
        std::clog << "Stopping data stream" << std::endl;
    ifm3d::ODSInfoV1 GetZones() {
        auto start = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
        while (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
            std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count() - start < timeout) {
            if (!data_queue.zones_queue.empty()) {
                auto zones = data_queue.GetZones();
                return zones;
        throw std::runtime_error("Timeout error while getting zones.\n");
    ifm3d::ODSOccupancyGridV1 GetOccGrid() {
        auto start = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
        while (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
            std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count() - start < timeout) {
            if (!data_queue.occ_grid_queue.empty()) {
                auto occ_grid = data_queue.GetOccGrid();
                return occ_grid;
        throw std::runtime_error("Timeout error while getting occupancy grid.\n");
