Convert O3R rotation angles to human-readable angles

# Copyright 2023-present ifm electronic, gmbh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

This module exports functions for converting the euler
calibration angles used in the O3R platform into 
(heading, elevation, bank) angles that are easier
to reason about.
import numpy as np
import ifm3dpy

def rot_mat(*rot_xyz):
    Creates a rotation matrix from the given euler angles.

    :param rot_xyz: 3 element vector containing rotX, rotY and rotZ in [rad]
    :return: 3x3 rotation matrix R
    R = np.eye(3)
    for i, alpha in enumerate(rot_xyz):
        lr = np.eye(3)
        lr[(i + 1) % 3, (i + 1) % 3] = np.cos(alpha)
        lr[(i + 2) % 3, (i + 2) % 3] = np.cos(alpha)
        lr[(i + 1) % 3, (i + 2) % 3] = -np.sin(alpha)
        lr[(i + 2) % 3, (i + 1) % 3] = np.sin(alpha)
        R =
    return R

def rot_mat_reverse(R):
    Calculates euler angles from a rotation matrix.
    This is the inverse of the rot_mat() function.

    :param R: 3x3 rotation matrix
    :return: rotX, rotY, rotZ in [rad]
    alpha = np.arctan2(R[1, 2], R[2, 2])
    c2 = np.sqrt(R[0, 0] ** 2 + R[0, 1] ** 2)
    beta = np.arctan2(-R[0, 2], c2)
    s1 = np.sin(alpha)
    c1 = np.cos(alpha)
    gamma = np.arctan2(s1 * R[2, 0] - c1 * R[1, 0], c1 * R[1, 1] - s1 * R[2, 1])
    rotX, rotY, rotZ = -alpha, -beta, -gamma
    if rotX < -np.pi / 2 or rotX > np.pi / 2:
        if rotX < 0:
            rotX += np.pi
            rotX -= np.pi
        rotY = np.pi - rotY
        if rotY < -np.pi:
            rotY += 2 * np.pi
        if rotY > np.pi:
            rotY -= 2 * np.pi
        rotZ = rotZ + np.pi
        if rotZ > np.pi:
            rotZ -= 2 * np.pi
    return rotX, rotY, rotZ

# It's easy to reason about rotations relative to a "default head position".
# This is camera facing +x, label facing +z in the ODS coordinate system,
# which corresponds to typical robot coordinate system.
DEFAULT_O3R_HEAD_ROTATION_FOR_ODS = rot_mat(0, np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2)
# Each intrinsic rotation that is applied requires
# a conventional direction designated by "SIGNS".
SIGNS = (1, 1, 1)

def human_readable_to_O3R_angles(*heading_elevation_bank) -> tuple:
    """Convert (H, E, B) angles to Euler angles in the O3R coordinate system.

    :returns tuple: rot_xyz the three rotations in the O3R coordinate system
    for angle, axis, sign in zip(
        heading_elevation_bank, np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]), SIGNS
        rot =*(sign * axis * angle * np.pi / 180)))
    rot_xyz = rot_mat_reverse(rot)
    return rot_xyz

def O3R_angles_to_human_readable(*rot_xyz) -> tuple:
    """Convert O3R Euler angles to "human-readable" (H, E, B) angles.

    :param *rot_xyz (float): o3r_head_rotations
    :returns tuple: heading, elevation, and bank angles
                    relative to DEFAULT_O3R_HEAD_ROTATION_FOR_ODS
    rot = rot_mat(*rot_xyz)  # the rotated direction of camera view
    fov_uv = np.array(, (0, 0, 1))
    )  # the rotated direction of camera view on x-y plane
    heading_vector = fov_uv[:2]  # find heading and elevation
    if not np.any(
    ):  # Avoid singularities where camera is pointing + or - z
        heading = 0
        elevation = SIGNS[1] * 90 * np.sign(fov_uv[2])
        heading = SIGNS[0] * (np.arctan2(*heading_vector) * 180 / np.pi - 90)
        elevation = (
            SIGNS[1] * np.arctan2(fov_uv[2], np.linalg.norm(fov_uv[:2])) * 180 / np.pi
    # Find bank angle
    heading_elevation = DEFAULT_O3R_HEAD_ROTATION_FOR_ODS
    for angle, axis, sign in zip(
        (heading, elevation), np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]), SIGNS[:2]
        heading_elevation =
            rot_mat(*(sign * axis * angle * np.pi / 180))
    x_ax =, 0, 0))
    y_ax =, 1, 0))
    x_ax_with_bank_angle =, 0, 0))
    bank = (
        * np.arctan2(
  , x_ax_with_bank_angle),, x_ax_with_bank_angle)
        * 180
        / np.pi

    return heading, elevation, bank


# Some boilerplate for getting and setting rotations of cameras
# so that we can visualize the effect of changing the human-readable angles
def set_rotation(o3r: ifm3dpy.O3R, port_ns: list, rot: tuple, verbose=False):
    for port_n in port_ns:
        extrinsic_cal_name = "extrinsicHeadToUser"
        if port_n == 6:
            extrinsic_cal_name = "extrinsicVPUToUser"
        if verbose:
            print(f"euler angles: {rot}")
        ext_dict = o3r.get()["ports"][f"port{port_n}"]["processing"][extrinsic_cal_name]
        ext_dict.update({k: v for k, v in zip(["rotX", "rotY", "rotZ"], rot)})
        config = {
            "ports": {f"port{port_n}": {"processing": {extrinsic_cal_name: ext_dict}}}

heading, elevation, bank = (0, 0, 0)

print("Before transformation...")
print("heading=", round(heading, 2))
print("elevation=", round(elevation, 2))
print("bank=", round(bank, 2))
rot_xyz = human_readable_to_O3R_angles(heading, elevation, bank)
print("o3r calibration angles:", rot_xyz)
set_rotation(ifm3dpy.O3R(), [2], list(rot_xyz))
heading, elevation, bank = O3R_angles_to_human_readable(*rot_xyz)
print("\nAfter transformation...")
print("heading=", round(heading, 2))
print("elevation=", round(elevation, 2))
print("bank=", round(bank, 2))
# %%