O3R information for debugging

Reporting an issue

What to provide

When sending the ifm support team a debug request, please include the information below:

  • A precise description of the issue,

  • The service report (see the documentation on how to download it),

  • The local host’s OS version

  • Depending on the situation:

    • The ifm3d or ifm3dpy API version

    • The ifm Vision Assistant version

    • The ifm3d-ros(2) ROS wrapper version

  • If possible, also include:

    • A minimal reproducible example

    • A recording or video of the issue

GitHub issue tracker

It is recommended to report any issues you may encounter while using the product on GitHub. The GitHub platform allows the support and development teams to track and manage the issues efficiently. To report an issue via the GitHub repository, refer to this document.

When creating the issue, provide the information listed above.

Troubleshooting guide

Network interface and connectivity

If the connection between the host and the VPU via ifmVisionAssistant cannot be established, then try the following instructions:

  • Check the network settings: for instance, try to ping the system on its default / configured IP in a local network.

  • Disconnect all camera heads and reboot the VPU:

    1. This will allow you to find hardware configuration problems, for example, camera heads connected to the “wrong” ports. Please double-check the configuration doc for details on the hardware connectivity

    2. If step 1 (above) worked try to reconnect one cable at a time to the correct ports as described in the doc above. Please be aware that any hardware change, for example connecting a new head, requires a reboot before it will become available.

Status LEDs and port LEDs

Starting with firmware version 0.16.x the LEDs at the front of the VPU show the correct system information:


    • The STATE LED should be green.

    • The STATE LED will be red if an ERROR is active in the internal diagnosis functionality.

  • PORT LEDs:

    • Each Port LED is handled separately. If the connected imager (that is 2D RGB / 3D TOF imager) is registered and ready the LED will turn green

    • If the LEDs are off:

      • The imager is not registered by the system, that is connected during live operation. It will only be registered with the next reboot cycle.

      • The imager’s cable connectivity is incorrect, that is 2D and 3D connected to the same paired deserializer

      • The imager’s calibration information is still getting downloaded after it was connected for the first time to this VPU.

      • For additional possible error cases please check the diagnosis information.