Hardware unboxing
Check out our wiring video:
If you prefer to read, here are the steps to wire an O3R platform. You need the following hardware from ifm:
One or several camera heads (O3R222 or O3R225 for example),
An OVP8xx (for example the OVP810),
One FAKRA cable for each camera head.
You also need:
A strong enough power source: 3.5A and 24V minimum,
An Ethernet cable.
Then, follow the instructions below:
First, connect the heads to the VPU; the only requirement is to connect pairs of same imager types together, for instance as shown below:
Connect power to the VPU, the pins are defined as follows:
1 screen
2 24 V
4 CAN +
5 CAN -
Connect the Ethernet cable,
Once all the connected cameras LEDs are green, the VPU is properly booted up.
That’s it!