Full ODS example

By default, this example uses the configuration available with the examples.

 * Copyright 2022-present ifm electronic, gmbh
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

#include "../core/diagnostic/diagnostic.hpp"
#include "ods_config.hpp"
#include "ods_get_data.hpp"
// #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>

#include <ifm3d/device/o3r.h>
using namespace ifm3d::literals;

int main() {
  // Define the variables used in the example
  // O3R and ODS configuration
  // Getting IP from environment variable
  const char *IP = std::getenv("IFM3D_IP");
  if (!IP) {
    IP = ifm3d::DEFAULT_IP.c_str();
    std::clog << "Using default IP" << std::endl;
  std::clog << "IP: " << IP << std::endl;

  ifm3d::FrameGrabber::BufferList buffer_list = {
      ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_INFO, ifm3d::buffer_id::O3R_ODS_OCCUPANCY_GRID};
  int timeout_ms = 500; // Timeout used when retrieving data
  int queue_size = 5;   // Size of the queue used to store the data
  // Config file for extrinsic calibrations and apps
  std::string config_extrinsic_path = "../configs/extrinsic_two_heads.json";
  std::string config_app_path = "../configs/ods_changing_views_config.json";
  // Data display configuration
  int step = 5; // Used to reduce the frequency of the data displayed
  int d = 5;    // How long data will be displayed for each app
  // Logging configuration
  bool log_to_file = false;
  const std::string &log_file_name = "ODS_logfile.txt";

  std::ofstream logFile;
  std::streambuf *consoleBuffer = std::clog.rdbuf();
  if (log_to_file) {
    logFile.open(log_file_name, std::ios::app); // Open the log file
    // Check if the file opened successfully
    if (!logFile.is_open()) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to open log file: " << log_file_name << std::endl;
      return 1; // Return an error code or handle the error appropriately

    std::streambuf *fileBuffer = logFile.rdbuf();
    // Redirect std::clog to the log file

  auto o3r = std::make_shared<ifm3d::O3R>(IP);

  // TODO: bootup monitoring

  // Check the diagnostic for any active errors.
  O3RDiagnostic diagnostic(o3r);
  ifm3d::json::json_pointer p("/events");
  ifm3d::json active_diag = diagnostic.GetDiagnosticFiltered(

  for (auto error = active_diag.begin(); error != active_diag.end(); ++error) {
    std::clog << "\n//////////////////////////////////" << std::endl;
    std::clog << *error << std::endl;
  std::clog << "Review any active errors before continuing" << std::endl;

  do {
    std::clog << '\n' << "Press \"ENTER\" when ready to continue...";
  } while (std::cin.get() != '\n');

  std::clog << "Continuing with the tutorial" << std::endl;

  // Start the asynchronous diagnostic

  // Configure two applications (forward and back)
  ODSConfig ods_config(o3r);

  // Verifying the proper instantiation of the app and list of ports
  std::string j_string = "/applications/instances";
  ifm3d::json::json_pointer j(j_string);
  auto app = o3r->Get({j_string})[j].begin().key();
  std::clog << "Instantiated app: " << app << std::endl;

  std::string str_ports = "/applications/instances/" + app + "/ports";
  ifm3d::json::json_pointer j2(str_ports);
  auto ports = o3r->Get({str_ports})[j2];
  std::clog << "Ports:" << ports << std::endl;

  // Start streaming data from forward view (port2)
  // Set the app to "RUN" state
  ods_config.SetConfigFromStr(R"({"applications": {"instances": {")" + app +
                              R"(": {"state": "RUN"}}}})");

  ODSStream ods_stream(o3r, app, buffer_list, timeout_ms, queue_size);

  // Print out every 5th dataset until stopped
  int count = 0;
  for (auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), now = start;
       now < start + std::chrono::seconds{d};
       now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) {
    auto zones = ods_stream.GetZones();
    auto grid = ods_stream.GetOccGrid();

    if (count % step == 0) {
      if (zones){
        std::clog << "Current zone occupancy:\n"
                  << std::to_string(zones.value().zone_occupied[0]) << ", "
                  << std::to_string(zones.value().zone_occupied[1]) << ", "
                  << std::to_string(zones.value().zone_occupied[2]) << std::endl;
      if (grid){
        std::clog << "Current occupancy grid's middle cell:\n"
                  << std::to_string(grid.value().image.at<uint8_t>(100, 100))
                  << std::endl;

  // Start streaming data from backward view (port3)
  // Set the app to "RUN" state
  ods_config.SetConfigFromStr(R"({"applications": {"instances": {")" + app +
                              R"(": {"configuration": {"activePorts":[)" +
                              to_string(ports[1]) + R"(]}}}}})");

  // Print out every 5th dataset until stopped
  count = 0;
  for (auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), now = start;
       now < start + std::chrono::seconds{d};
       now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) {
    auto zones = ods_stream.GetZones();
    auto grid = ods_stream.GetOccGrid();

    if (count % step == 0) {
      if (zones){
        std::clog << "Current zone occupancy:\n"
                  << std::to_string(zones.value().zone_occupied[0]) << ", "
                  << std::to_string(zones.value().zone_occupied[1]) << ", "
                  << std::to_string(zones.value().zone_occupied[2]) << std::endl;
      if (grid){
        std::clog << "Current occupancy grid's middle cell:\n"
                  << std::to_string(grid.value().image.at<uint8_t>(100, 100))
                  << std::endl;

  // Set the app to "CONF" to save energy
  ods_config.SetConfigFromStr(R"({"applications": {"instances": {")" + app +
                              R"(": {"state": "CONF"}}}})");

  // Stop streaming diagnostic data and exit

  // Close the log file
  if (log_to_file) {

  return 0;