Vision Assistant 2.7.6
Motion Camera Calibration wizard. It is available as an application.
The ODS occupancy grid is displayed as a binary white/black instead of grayscale. The threshold is set at 127 by default: grid cells with a probability above 127 will be colored white, the others black. The right-hand side detailed view still shows the grayscale (this tab needs to be expanded by clicking on the two arrows on the right edge of the window).
Ports can now be smoothly added and removed in the application configuration.
The ports can be properly switched on/off in the “View options” in “Replay” mode.
The VPU temperature display is no longer obstructed by long port names.
Known issues
Importing settings from file with the “Save and Reboot” enabled triggers error messages.
Older versions
A detailed changelog is not available for versions prior to 2.7.6.