Diagnostics example output

Example diagnostic output

        "description": "The extrinsic VPU calibration is implausible",
        "id": 105000,
        "source": "/applications/instances/app0",
        "state": "dormant",
        "stats": {
            "count": 0,
            "lastActivated": {
                "bootid": "",
                "timestamp": 0
            "lastDeactivated": {
                "bootid": "1e18bc51-bda5-4258-9463-ef03b5c59bdd",
                "timestamp": 1581090751720

Description / ID / name

These fields are used to identify the error: see the complete list of available error codes.


This field describes the source of the error code on the embedded device and OS. This is used to identify the exact application or process, if multiple similar sources are running in parallel.

State: active/dormant

The O3R system differentiates between active errors - which are currently active, and dormant errors - errors which happened any time between the start of the system and now.


Stats gives you an overview over the count of this specific error, that is how often it has switched states since boot up. Last activated and last deactivated gives an overview over the timestamps and boot id of the last activation stages.